World No Tobacco Day is observed every year on 31 May and is a reminder of the ongoing fight against tobacco addiction.

Data shows that India is home to 266.8 million adult tobacco users, which includes cigarette and beedi smokers as well as smokeless tobacco users who purchase the product in loose form.

Nicotine is the primary addictive ingredient in cigarettes, providing rapid pleasurable effects through smoking.

On the other hand, NRT acts as a temporary replacement for small amounts of nicotine. It helps control cravings, reduce withdrawal symptoms, and facilitates the transition from tobacco to abstinence.Dr Nikhil Modi, Consultant - Critical Care, Respiratory Medicine and SLE Disorders, Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, New Delhi, told IANS that "Nicotine is highly addictive, making it difficult to quit. While about 70 percent of smokers Of those who want to quit, only 3-5 percent succeed.

Unlike cigarettes, NRT Blue provides a gradual and very low increase in nicotine levels, thereby discouraging abuse. The goal of NRT is to enable people to quit smoking by reducing addiction with the help of a nicotine delivery system.

“Without adequate cessation services, more than 160 million smokers worldwide could die by 2050.Despite having 19 cessation centers in India, we still have the second largest smoking population in the world. Dr Nikhil said, it is time to move beyond stereotypes and adopt successful strategies of other countries.

Tobacco is a health risk factor and is known to increase the risk of cancer, lung disease, heart disease and stroke.

The widespread use of NRT has been successful in the US and some European countries. Experts called on India to overcome significant challenges in NR awareness and access to replicate these successes.Dr. Pawan Gupta, Senior Consultant, Pulmonology Department, BLK Max, said, “NRTs, available in various forms like patches, lozenges, inhalers, sprays, gums, etc., have been shown to increase the quit rate by 50-70 percent by reducing withdrawal symptoms and cravings. Could." Hospital, New Delhi told IANS.

Quitting tobacco suddenly can cause serious withdrawal symptoms, including headaches, insomnia, mood changes and poor cognition, he said.

“This is where non-tobacco alternatives play an important role. NRT is effective in gradually reducing the urge to smoke.Safer alternatives like NRT have seen considerable success in countries like UK, Australia, US, Canada, France.

He said, “Ensuring hassle-free availability and access to NRT can go a long way in helping Indian smokers quit."