New Delhi [India], The National Human Rights Commission has recently re-issued an advisory regarding unnatural deaths of prisoners due to suicide. In a social media post on May 7, the commission found that most of the unnatural deaths of prisoners are due to suicide. The advisory not only focuses on their mental health but also reiterates the need to keep the surrounding environment free from objects that can be used for suicide, from keeping toilets free from sharp objects to CCTV cameras. Till the implementation, various recommendations have been suggested in the advisory, which include key points. Keep toilets in the custody of prison staff free of objects, building maintenance equipment (ropes, glass, wooden ladders and pipes) and keep their rooms free of abrasive and corrosive chemicals (phenyl, acids, detergents). Health check-ups, installation of CCTV cameras, regular visits of mental health care professionals and regular monitoring of bedsheets and ropes so that they do not use them for hanging. Additionally, the advice highlights appropriate arrangements for communication and visitation with relatives. It also focuses on vocational guidance facilities for skill upgradation and means to enhance financial independence. I suggested that long-term skilled prisoners could be linked to the government scheme for entrepreneurship.