"This description of the hour-long meeting between Foreign Minister Baerbach and Prime Minister Netanyahu is inaccurate and misleading at key points," the Foreign Office wrote in a post on X (formerly Twitter) on Friday.

German Ambassador to Israel Steffen Seibert made the same statement without giving specifics.

A journalist for Israeli TV station Channel 13 previously reported that Baerbock reacted negatively when shown footage of markets filled with food from the Gaza Strip during a meeting in Israel on Wednesday.

Baerbock reportedly responded by pointing to the widespread hunger in Gaza and offered to show Netanyahu photos of starving children on his cell phone.

Netanyahu is said to have responded that he should see pictures of people in markets and on the beach, as there were no cases of hunger there.According to Channel 13's report, Baerbock advised them not to show the photos because they did not match the reality of the Gaza Strip.

Netanyahu is said to have responded forcefully that the photos were real and that Israel was not portraying an invented reality like the Nazis. For example, in 1942, the Nazis had a film crew shoot a propaganda film with scenes of everyday life in the Warsaw Ghetto, where Jews were forced to live in extremely poor conditions.

Baerbock reportedly asked Netanyahu if he was accusing the doctors working in Gaza as well as the international media of lying about the situation.

Photos of market stalls filled with fruits and vegetables were published this week by COGAT, an Israeli agency within the Defense Ministry responsible for liaison with the Palestinian territories and humanitarian aid.The images show markets in the north of the coastal region, which is particularly affected by food shortages. According to COGAT and aid organizations, some food has recently reached the area, although aid workers and residents say it is still a long way off.dan/