DeepPT, a new tool developed by researchers at the Australian National University (ANU), predicts a patient's messenger RNA (mRNA) profile.

This mRNA.

Lead author Dr Dan-Tai Hoang of ANU said that when combined with another tool called Enlight, Deep was found to be able to successfully predict a patient's response to cancer treatments in several types of cancer.

“Deep was trained on more than 5,500 patients across 16 prevalent cancer types, including breast, lung, head and neck, cervical and pancreatic cancers,” said Dr. Hoang.

The device, detailed in the journal Nature Cancer, has shown improved patient response rates. The AI ​​tool captures microscopic pictures of patient tissues called histopathology images, which also provides another important benefit for patients.

“This reduces the delay in processing complex molecular data, which can take several weeks,” said Dr. Hoang, “because any delay can impact patients with high-grade tumors who need immediate treatment.” may be required.

“In contrast, histopathology images are routinely available, cost-effective and timely,” Hoang said.