New Delhi (India), April 25: A devastating earthquake of magnitude 7.8 struck Nepal on April 25, 2015, with its epicenter in Gorkha district, northwest of the capital Kathmandu. The disaster killed approximately 9,000 people, injured thousands, and devastated entire villages and communities. The destruction was so widespread that it displaced millions of people and required a massive international aid response.

In the years since the earthquake, affected communities have demonstrated incredible resilience and determination in restoring their lives and homes. This recovery was significantly supported by various national and international collaborations, most notably the Gorkha Housing Reconstruction Project (GHRP).Funded by the Government of India and executed with expertise from the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), this initiative has been critical in helping families in Gorkha rebuild stronger and more resilient homes.

Understanding the cause of the disasterThe 2015 Nepal earthquake, also known as the Gorkha earthquake, was originally caused by a thrust fault on or near the main frontal thrust of the Himalayas, a region known for seismic activity. The geologic instability of the region is due to the northward movement of the Indian Plate against the Eurasian Plate, which accumulates stress over centuries, causing destructive earthquakes. The tragic incident of 2015 is a reminder of the sensitivity of this sector and the need for better construction practices and disaster preparedness.

Gorkha Housing Reconstruction Project: A Ray of Hope

The Gorkha Housing Reconstruction Project officially began on March 8, 2018 when the Government of India partnered with UNDP to provide socio-technical support to over 26,000 homeowners in Gorkha district.The project spans two urban and six rural municipalities, with reconstruction efforts focused in 42 wards. Assistance provided includes administrative support, on-site technica advice and capacity building for homeowners and local masons. Technical assistance includes assistance with design drawings and the building permit process as well as construction technology disaster-resilient features and government Guidance on criteria is included. Additionally, the project promotes the use of appropriate disaster resistant technologies to enhance the long-term sustainability and safety of homes.

Achievements and Impact

Since its inception, GHRP has made substantial progress.More than 24,00 families have successfully built resilient houses with the help of the project. This includes designing code-compliant homes, obtaining necessary permits, and facilitating access to housing grants and resources. The initiative focuses specifically on inclusivity, ensuring that over 2,500 vulnerable families receive the support they need to build safe houses. Additionally, the project has trained approximately 2,000 masons in affordable construction techniques, which Contributing significantly to local capacity building. The establishment of the Building Permit Studio has provided essential services to over 3,00 homeowners, and the deployment of mobile technology vans has demonstrated earthquake-safe construction practices across the district.Social mobilization efforts have been widespread, with cultural programs and over 310 radio broadcasts designed to educate and engage the community in reconstruction efforts. A notable example of local involvement is the deployment of Housing Fellows – local masons trained to assist in reconstruction – who, together with engineers and social workers, conducted more than 244,00 door-to-door visits.

Spotlight on STS GlobalAn important contributor to the success of the project has been STS Global, part of the owner-driven reconstruction collaboration. STS Global has played a key role in technical facilitation and capacity building of the community, ensuring that reconstruction efforts not only rebuild homes but also increase resilience against future disasters.

To hope

The Gorkha Housing Reconstruction Project represents an important milestone in Nepal's ongoing journey from recovery to resilience.By focusing on sustainable reconstruction and community participation, the project not only restores homes but also strengthens the humanitarian spirit against the challenges of future disasters. As the project progresses, it remains a testament to the power of collaborative effort in the face of adversity, a beacon of hope and a symbol of resilience for the people of Nepal..