KATHMANDU [Nepal], Nepal's Department of Food Technology and Quality Control has banned the import, consumption and sale of two Indian spice brands Everest and MDH as it starts testing for ethylene oxide levels, an official told ANI. Confirmed that Nepal has banned both these spices. The brands have banned Everest and MDH brand spices from being imported into Nepal following reports about high levels of ethylene oxide in the products. The import was banned after news broke about traces of harmful chemicals in the spices. It was imposed a week ago and we have also banned its sale in the market,” Nepal's Department of Food Technology and Quality Control spokesperson Mohan Krishna Maharajan told ANI over phone. “Tests are underway for the chemicals in these spices.” Are. The ban on the two Particula brands will continue pending final reports.This step comes after Hong Kong and Singapore have already banned it. Indian government sources told ANI that it is being used. EtO is allowed in different countries ranging from 0.73 percent to 7 percent. Government sources said a standard should be prepared for the use of EtO in different countries. Moreover, the banned spices in these countries constitute less than one percent of India's total spice exports.Meanwhile, the Spices Board of India has taken steps to ensure the safety and quality of Indian spice exports in these areas. The Board has implemented the recommendations. Techno-Scientific Committee, which conducted root cause analysis, inspected processing facilities, and collected samples for testing in accredited laboratories. The Spice Board of India also conducted a stakeholder consultation involving over 130 exporters and associations such as All India Spice Exporters Forum and Association. Indian Spices and Food Products Exporters Association Board has also issued guidelines for EtO treatment to all exporters.Spices Board has taken these steps to prevent EtO contamination in spices exported from India. In April, the Hong Kong food safety watchdog banned four spices. After the cancer-causing chemical, ethylene oxide, was found in products from Indian brands MDH and Everest, the Food Safety Center of the Hong Kong Government Special Administrative Region announced on April 5 that routine monitoring programs had revealed the presence of ethylene oxide in three Have done. MDH Group Spices, Sambar Masala Powder, and Curry Powder.