Pune (Maharashtra) [India], Pune Police Commissioner Amitesh Kumar highlighted Pune Police's efforts to combat drug abuse and tackle corruption within the force in a speech to students of Modern College .

The speech was delivered in commemoration of the International Day Against Drug Abuse, where CP Kumar emphasized the importance of a drug-free campaign and the active role of the police in ensuring the safety of the city.

During his speech, CP Amitesh Kumar addressed recent incidents that had sparked negative narratives about the Pune police, specifically mentioning the infamous Porsche accident case.

However, he highlighted that despite initial attempts at cover-up and corruption, the police were able to uncover the truth and bring those responsible to justice.

"A few days ago a very unfortunate accident happened in the city after that incident, many people made comments against the police, raised questions about the police action and its functioning... they also tried to create a negative narrative about the police... and they were also successful... "But we must think that when this incident occurred... yes, at the beginning at the local level there was some attempt to carry out some unacceptable and objectionable action... then in the hospital blood samples were manipulated," he said Kumar.

"We also noticed some actions of corruption... after seeing all this, you must have doubts about how corrupt the system is, but you must understand at the same time that this is the same system that has unearthed the corruptions of this case..." "The same system made sure that the doctors, the accused minors, their parents and their grandparents all went behind bars and presented the facts before the people..." he added.

Addressing concerns about corruption within the police department, CP Amitesh Kumar assured the students that while there may be some "black sheep", the majority of the force is dedicated to enforcing the law and maintaining security of the city. He promised to take strict action against any officer found engaging in misconduct and stressed the importance of restoring public confidence in the police.

"If people think the system is corrupt, then they need to know that each department has some black boats, but the whole department and the whole society are not corrupt... yes, there are some black boats, but the system identifies them and takes them action against them....being chief of police, I want to assure you that we will take action if any police personnel are found to be in bad practices. I am not claiming that the police are 100% good, only a few maybe only one percent are. involved in malpractices, but we will show them. We will identify them and take action against them..." Kumar said.

Also, CP Amitesh Kumar referred to a viral video showing two youths consuming drugs at a bar on FC Road, Pune. He expressed displeasure over attempts to portray the entire city as a hub of drug abuse and reiterated the police's commitment to crack down on such criminal activities.

In conclusion, CP Amitesh Kumar assured the students that the police are working tirelessly to ensure the safety of the city. He urged the public not to be carried away by negative narratives and emphasized the importance of cooperation in the fight against drug abuse and corruption."