New Delhi [India], Hailing the "new India", Sam Stevenson, assistant editor of UK-based newspaper Daily Express, on Sunday stressed that now is the time to tell the positive stories of this new India in its epic Let us start telling on the path. A future US$5 trillion economy. Sam Stevenson on his visit to India to cover the general elections said that a lot of positive stories can be told from India. “Now is the time to start telling the positive stories of the new India and this great nation of becoming a US$5 trillion economy in the future. And look, there are a lot of positive stories that we can tell from India.And that's what we're here to do,” Stevenson told ANI. Responding to the question whether India in real life is different from the picture painted by the West, the journalist emphasized that India has been criticized enough. "I think it's time to say enough of India's anti-India 'nonsense'. We need to come out here and tell true, positive stories of the new India with on-the-ground reporting," he told ANI. " Stevenson further said that people are hearing things like religious division, but that is not the case at the ground level."Unfortunately, many of the stories out in London and across Europe are negative stories about India. We are hearing things like religious divisions but we have not seen that on the ground," he said. Calling India a "great and wonderful nation", he said he was here to increase the British media's coverage of the country. “We have seen Muslim women in full burqa attending Narendra Modi's rally. We have seen examples of this pluralism."Great and wonderful country. We are here to increase the British media's coverage of this country, and we are here to get to the truth, find some real facts and bring them home to London." Stevenson further said that the perception of India throughout Europe and the West is not good. "It's because we're being told negative stories from the press," he said, insisting that "it's a shame because, really, people need to come here, see me with their own eyes, live it, breathe it, Need to meet the people He said, "Talk to the people at the grassroots level and you will see that there is a new India, a global Britain, we can be a force for good." The British journalist stressed that both the countries Have shared culture, language, heritage and history."The British media is trying to simplify something that is very complex, they are saying Modi is anti-Islam. But in reality, when you talk to actual Muslims on the ground, when you talk to Hindus, Sikhs, If we do, you will see India being accepting of all cultures or religions," he stressed. “And that's the absolutely wonderful thing about this place,” he said."