Washington: A total of 65,960 Indians officially became US citizens, making India the second largest source country for new citizens in the US after Mexico, according to the latest Congressional report.

According to American Community Survey data from the US Census Bureau, an estimated 46 million foreign-born individuals lived in the United States in 2022, about 14 percent of the total US population of 333 million.

Of these, 24.5 million, about 53 percent, reported their status as naturalized citizens.

In its latest "US Naturalization Policy" report dated April 15, the independent Congressional Research Service said a total of 969,38 individuals became US citizens by naturalization in fiscal year 2022.

“Individuals born in Mexico accounted for the largest number of naturalized births, followed by people from India, the Philippines, Cuba and the Dominican Republic,” it said.,

Based on the latest available data, the CRS said 128,878 Mexican nationals became U.S. citizens in 2022. They were followed by Indians (65,960), Philippines (53,413), Cuba (46,913), Dominican Republic (34,525), Vietnam (33,246) and China (27,038).

As of 2023, a total of 2,831,330 foreign-born US citizens were from India, the second highest number after Mexico's 10,638,429, according to the CRS. China is followed by Mexico and India, with 2,225,447 foreign-born US citizens.

However, the CRS report said that about 42 percent of Indian-born foreign nationals living in the US are currently ineligible to become US citizens.By 2023, at least 290,000 India-born foreign nationals who were on Greek cards or legal permanent residence (LPR) were potentially eligible for naturalization.

CRS said that in recent years, some observers have expressed concern over USCI's processing backlog of naturalization applications.

Although a backlog of naturalization applications remains since FY2020, the agency has more than halved the number of applications pending completion.

As of the end of FY2023, USCIS had approximately 408,000 pending naturalization applications, down from 550,000 at the end of FY2022; 840,000 at the end of FY2021; and 943,000 at the end of FY2020.

In FY 2023, 823,702 LPRs submitted naturalization applications.The number of individuals who have recently applied for citizenship is significantly less than the estimated population of 9 million LPRs who were eligible to become naturalized citizens in 2023. The percentage of foreign-born persons who have attained citizenship by naturalization varies depending on several factors, including country of origin.

Immigrants from Honduras, Guatemala, Venezuela, Mexico, El Salvador, and Brazil have the lowest percentages of naturalized foreign-born, while immigrants from Vietnam, the Philippines, Russia, Jamaica, and Pakistan have the highest percentages.

To be eligible for naturalization, an applicant must meet certain eligibility requirements outlined in the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). Requirements generally include being a lawful permanent resident (LPR) for at least five years.