Daw Lay Shwe Sin Oo, director of the Disaster Management Department at the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement, said on Wednesday that flood victims came from 6,320 households and that flood-affected areas included Kachin state and Sagaing, Magway. and Mandalay regions.

According to her, at least 23,298 people were affected in Kachin, 7,478 in Sagaing, 146 in Magway and 56 in Mandalay, the Xinhua news agency reported.

The disaster management department has set up a total of 128 relief shelters in the affected areas, including 73 in Kachin, 48 in Sagaing, three in Magway and four in Mandalay, the official said.

Fifteen houses in Kachin state have been completely destroyed due to flooding and many schools have been temporarily closed, she said.

According to the disaster management department, there were no deaths or injuries due to floods reported during the cited period.

The Myanmar Fire Department said in its reports that local fire service personnel, rescuers and relevant organizations have raised awareness about possible flooding in the affected areas and carried out rescue operations there.

The Department of Meteorology and Hydrology reported that water levels of the Ayeyarwady, Myitnge and Chindwin rivers in 18 cities of Kachin, Sagaing, Magway and Mandalay on Wednesday were above their respective warning marks.

In Myanmar, July and August are in the middle of the rainy season, and heavy rain is typical during this period, the meteorological agency said.

The Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement also issued alerts on water-related disasters and took preventive measures against disasters, noting that water-related disasters, including flash floods and landslides, normally occur in July and August.

According to local media reports, local authorities, military personnel, fire service personnel and rescue organizations in the affected areas of the Southeast Asian country have been participating in the evacuation of residents affected by the floods and providing them with food and drinking water. The relief centers where flood victims took shelter also included monasteries, churches and schools, according to reports.

The meteorological agency also advised residents living near river banks and in low-lying areas of the affected areas to take precautionary measures.