PN New Delhi [India], April 8: Thickcubator, a CSR initiative of Cisco in partnership with NASSCOM Foundation, proudly honored the ten winning start-ups of its sixth cohort at the prestigious Niovation Awards ceremony. The program has played a significant role in promoting student entrepreneurship and tech-skill development in India through a program that nurtures and encourages young minds to address social issues through technology while strengthening India's startup ecosystem. Proved a milestone. Designed to empower young innovators, Thickcubator provides a platform for college students. Students across the country are mentored to transform their ideas into prototypes and viable businesses. Held at various partner universities, this virtual makerspace program provides students with hands-on experience with digital technologies.This enables them to transform their ideas into working prototypes and create localized solutions to community problems. To date, over 8900 students have been a part of the entrepreneurship track, and a subset of these learners have been directed towards the startup ecosystem, with the aim of making a difference in their lives. The mindset to align our innovations with the social and economic needs of the country. Since its inception in 2018, Cisco and NASSCOM Foundation have collaborated with 42 universities to accelerate student entrepreneurship and promote digital skills through the Thickcubator program. The felicitation ceremony was organized to celebrate the achievements of ten startups who have transformed their ideas from a prototype to a success.Solution, winning seed funding of Rs 5 lakh through a government recognized TBI at the end of the start-up track. The event brought together students, faculty members, technocrats and start-up experts from universities across the country and to celebrate the winning start, Malika Duttsadani, Founder of TheMomsCo, delivered an inspirational session, inspiring the aspiring women entrepreneurs to be of unwavering enthusiasm. And were inspired to carry forward their innovation journey. Dignitaries present included Nidhi Bhasin, CEO NASSCOM Foundation, Harish Krishnan, Managing Director and Chief Policy Office, Cisco, and Vish Iyer, Vice President, Sales, Cisco APJC Harish Krishnan, Managing Director and Chief Policy Officer, Cisco expressed this sentiment . , and said, “Our vision has always been to empower a generation of creators rather than job seekers. Today, we find ourselves amidst the most transformative period in India's history, a time of immense opportunity and growth.The good news is that this change is not just limited to busy metros, but is more inclusive and widespread than ever before, hence, through our Thickcubator programme, we are committed to creating an ecosystem that supports student innovation and entrepreneurship. Promotes and also provides access to state-of-the-art technology. Knowledge resources, makerspaces, mentorship, and financial support We are proud to see students focus on developing solutions that have the potential to revolutionize some of the biggest societal challenges. Reflecting on India's growing role as an innovation powerhouse, Nidhi Bhasin, CEO, NASSCOM Foundation, stressed, “Today, India is leading innovation and we are seeing a pioneering spirit emerging in the startup world , in which young minds are coming forward, developing their ideas." And making a difference. The encouraging trend is that it is not just about technology and entrepreneurship, but over 38,00 ideas have been generated in the last five years, resulting in around 369 Minimum Viable Products (MVPs).Roughly 68 TechForGoodStartups were launched under the Thickcubator program As India strives for a developed India by 2047, it is inspiring to see how these startups are developing incredible solutions aimed at transforming our country economically and socially. Cisco, through its partnership with NASSCOM Foundation, aims to bridge this. Cultivating the next generation of innovators, this year saw record-breaking participation with over 1,000 entries, underscoring the growing creativity and dynamism of India's youth. Notably, the sixth cohort included 24 female co-founders and four all-female start-ups, marking a paradigm shift towards gender-inclusive entrepreneurship. After a rigorous selection process, ten standout start-ups were awarded funding of Rs. Rs 5 lakh each through a government recognized TBI on completing the start-up phase. These start-ups exemplify a new breed of changemakers who use technology to address social challenges and make a lasting impact.Engaging with the platform and exploring innovative ideas for positive social impact