International Relations and Cooperation Minister Peya Mushelenga in a statement on Friday expressed deep disappointment over the veto used by the United States on a resolution recommending Palestine's full membership in the UN General Assembly, Xinhua news agency reported. Stopped from adopting. ,

The United States voted against the Palestinian request for full UNSC membership on Thursday. The 15-member council voted on a draft resolution recommending to the 193-member UN General Assembly that "the State of Palestine be admitted to the membership of the United Nations."

12 votes were cast in favor of the draft resolution, two votes were absent and one vote was cast against.

Mushelenga criticized the veto as a blow to international efforts aimed at resolving the long-running Israel–Palestine conflict.

"The use of the veto in the UNSC to deprive the State of Palestine of its legitimate right to UN membership is evidence that some powerful member states of the UN value their national interest at the expense of the values ​​and norms of the international community ,” Mushelenga said.

"Regrettably, while small States believe in the lofty ideals and principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, the actions of a permanent member of the Security Council to prevent Palestine's full membership casts serious doubt on their full commitment to these noble principles. Produces,” he said. Added.

He reiterated Namibia's solidarity with the people of Palestine and called on the United Nations to pressure the UNSC to fulfill its responsibilities addressing the issue.