NSF vice-chairman Matisuding said electing non-Nagas to local governance would pose a significant threat to the preservation of Naga cultural heritage.

NSF, in collaboration with like-minded organizations and subordinate bodies, reiterated its firm stand on the paramount importance of indigenous representation in the upcoming ULB elections as the Naga people have a glorious history and vibrant culture that is intricately woven into the fabric of governance. happened. structures, he told the media.

“Adherence to traditional laws and traditional practices are not just symbolic gestures, but are the essence of Naga identity. These practices have been passed down through generations and are important for maintaining social unity,” Matisuding said, expressing his fear over non-Nagas choosing him. Expressing said."will disrupt the traditional systems that have long sustained communities and undermine the cultural heritage that defines the Nagas as a people".

The NSF strongly believes that indigenous representation in local governance is not merely a matter of political reason, but is a basic requirement for the survival of Naga cultural identity, they claimed, and demanded that women married to non-locals and non- -Nagas and their children were excluded from contesting ULB elections.

“NSF urges people to use their intelligence while voting in ULB elections and elect indigenous Naga candidates to the decision making bodies of local self-governance and thereby protect the tradition and culture of the Nagas,” MTSUDHING he said.

Under Article 371A of the Constitution, Nagaland enjoys certain special provisions, including the customary laws of the community. It is noteworthy that the upcoming local body elections in three municipal councils and 36 city councils are the first municipal elections to be held in the state with 33 percent reservation for women.The ULB elections were delayed by almost 20 years due to tribal bodies and civil society organizations being against reservation.

After intensive discussions by the state government with Naga organizations and civil societies, the state assembly passed the Nagaland Municipal Bill 2023 with 33 per cent reservation for women in November last year. In Nagaland, more than 95 percent of the land and its resources belong to the people and the community, while the government owns only 5 percent of the total area, including reserved forests and roads.