New Delhi: National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (Nabard) on Friday said its branch has launched a Rs 750 crore agriculture fund for startups and rural enterprises.

The fund named 'Agri-Sure' has been announced by NABVENTURES, a subsidiary of NABARD, with an initial corpus of Rs 750 crore, which includes Rs 250 crore each from NABARD and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rs 250 crore from other institutions.

The fund aims to promote investment in innovative, technology-driven, high-risk and high-impact activities in agriculture and allied sectors, NABARD said in a statement.

Managed by NABVENTURES, a wholly owned subsidiary of NABARD, the fund is designed to support around 85 agriculture startups with an investment size of up to Rs 25 crore by the end of its tenure.

It said the fund will invest in sector-specific, sector-agnostic and debt alternative investment funds (AIFs) as well as provide direct equity support to startups.

Agri-Sure's focus areas include promoting innovative, technology-driven initiatives in agriculture, enhancing agricultural produce value chains, creating new rural ecosystem linkages and infrastructure, generating employment and supporting Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs). Doing is involved.

Additionally, the fund aims to encourage entrepreneurship, sustainable growth and progress in the agriculture sector through IT-based solutions and machinery rental services for farmers.