Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], In three days, Mumbai Customs seized 6.815 kg of gold worth Rs 4.44 crore and diamonds worth Rs 2.02 crore in 13 cases, SAI officials said, adding that four passengers were arrested in the case. . "During April 19-21, 2024, Mumbai Customs seized more than 6.815 kg of gold worth Rs 4.44 crore and diamonds worth Rs 2.02 crore, taking the total value of Rs 6.4 crore in 13 cases. Four people have been arrested in connection with the case. Was arrested." The officer further said. "The diamonds were found hidden in packets of noodles," officials said.
On April 20, Mumbai Customs at Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport seized 9.482 kg of gold worth Rs 5.71 crore in 14 cases, the airport commissionerate said in a statement. The charge said the gold was seized between April 1.18 According to the statement, gold was found in various hiding places, including hidden clothing, on the body, in the rectum, in handbags and in the undergarments of passengers. Eight passengers have been arrested in this case. The statement said Mumbai Customs seized raw gold chains, bangles, rings and round pieces hidden in clothing and luggage; Raw gold chains and gold plates hidden in mobiles and clothes; gold dust in wax hidden in the rectum; And the molten gold bar hidden in undergarments
On April 19, officials of APSC Commissionerate, Mumbai Customs Zone II detected and seized 2.314 kg of colored tablets appearing to be MDMA worth Rs 4.62 crore concealed in 02 cloth organisers. An Indian and a foreign national were arrested due to a controlled delivery operation
Earlier, during April 11-14, the Airport Commissionerate, Mumbai Customs Zone-II had seized over 10.02 kg of gold, valued at Rs. 6.03 crore in 12 cases. Gold was found hidden inside the body, in the rectum, on the body, in hand bags, in cavities and undergarments of packs.Three passengers were arrested.