Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh) [India], Special Armed Forces (SAF) Police Chief Lalit Rai was airlifted with the help of 'PM Shri Air Ambulance' from Jabalpur and sent to the state capital, Bhopal, for better treatment on Wednesday.

According to an official statement from the district administration, Lalit Rai, posted as police chief in the 18th Battalion of the Sudanese Armed Forces in Katni, suffered serious injuries in a road accident in Jhinjhari, Katni, on the night of 7 June around 8:30 pm. After which he was admitted to Apex Hospital, Jabalpur.

When his health condition did not improve enough, the doctors decided to send him to AIIMS Bhopal with 'PM Shri Air Ambulance' service. After which, on the recommendation of Chief Medical Officer Dr Sanjay Mishra, State Health Commissioner and Jabalpur Collector Deepak Saxena gave immediate approval for free transportation of the victim by PM Shri Air Ambulance, it reads. in the statement.

On Wednesday, state cabinet minister Rakesh Singh arrived at Dumna airport in Jabalpur to send the police chief to Bhopal via PM Shri air ambulance for better treatment.

Minister Singh also spoke to the injured police chief's son and assured him of all possible help from the government for better treatment of his father. The minister also wished him a speedy recovery.

"Lalit Rai, who sustained serious injuries in a road accident, was undergoing treatment at Jabalpur's Apex Hospital. He needed to be shifted to AIIMS Bhopal for further treatment. So, on instructions from CM Mohan Yadav, he was shifted in plane on Wednesday. I arrived “I am here to see him off and I also spoke to my son Aditya Rai,” Minister Singh said.

The statement further said that after the launch of PM Shri Air Ambulance Service in the state by Chief Minister Mohan Yadav, it was the third case in the state of air transport of the patient. Earlier, Govindlal Tiwari of Rewa and Ramgopal Tiwari of Panna were brought to Bhopal by PM Shri Air Ambulance for treatment.

The Madhya Pradesh government has provided PM Shri Air Ambulance facilities free of charge to Ayushman card holder patients and anyone who has been seriously injured in accidents and natural disasters.