The Department of Culture in Dubai [UAE], Sharjah, in collaboration with the Moroccan Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communications, concluded the fifth edition of the Moroccan Poets Festival in Tetouan, Morocco.

The three-day event celebrated poetry and its creators to mark eight years of the establishment of the House of Poetry in Tetouan. More than 30 poets, intellectuals and artists participated in the festival, creating a vibrant atmosphere of artistic expression.

The closing ceremony was held at the National School of Arts and Crafts in Tetouan, in the presence of Abdullah bin Mohammed Al Owais, Chairman of the Department of Culture in Sharjah; Dr. Mohammed Ibrahim Al Qassir, Director of the Department of Cultural Affairs; As well as Dr. Youssef Al Fehri, head of the École Normale Superieure in the city of Martil; Mukhless Al Saghir, director of the House of Poetry in Tetouan, and a large number of writers, intellectuals and university students.

Al Sagheer highlighted the extraordinary nature of this year's festival, which brought together diverse artistic forms – poetry, theatre, music and visual arts. It also served as a platform for different generations of poets, from established personalities to emerging talents recognized by the first Diwan Award for Young Poets.

The festival welcomed prominent Moroccan poets who enthralled the audience during evening sessions and keynote meetings.

An intellectual seminar titled “Poetry… from Creative to Digital” was organized on the concluding day. The discussion explored the latest advances in artificial intelligence and its potential impact on artistic creation, especially poetry.