Tel Aviv [Israel], Israeli agency COGAT (Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories: Judea and Samaria and towards the Gaza Strip), reported that the Israel Defense Forces and the IDF are allowing a "strategic pause" in the fighting in Gaza. Enable the transfer of humanitarian aid to Gaza and so that Gaza residents can replenish reserves such as food and water.

The break is from 10 am to 2 pm.

During this week (28 June – 4 July), there will be stops in various areas of Khan Yunis.

A convoy of 13 food aid trucks and 5 fuel tankers entered Gaza directly through Gate 96 on Sunday night. This was the second time within a week that Gate 96 was used to direct entry of humanitarian aid into central Gaza.

Additionally, 311 trucks carrying humanitarian goods were transferred to Gaza on Sunday. These trucks brought the total number of aid trucks entering Gaza in the month of June to more than 5,000.

"We will continue to expand our efforts to facilitate humanitarian assistance in and across Gaza," COGAT said.