Protesters called for new elections near the Knesset, the parliament in Jerusalem, according to Israeli media reports on Tuesday.

Tuesday is the third consecutive day when anti-government protests have taken place in the country.

More demonstrations are planned in the coming days.

There have been recurring mass protests against the leadership in Israel for several months.

Many Israelis accused Netanyahu of bowing to the demands of his ultra-Orthodox coalition partners and therefore scuttling a deal to release hostages held by Hamas.

Some ministers are against the agreement with the Islamic organization, as it would also provide for a ceasefire and the release of Palestinian prisoners from Israeli jails.

On the other hand, Netanyahu blames the Palestinian Islamic organization Hamas and its stubborn stance for the deadlock in indirect talks.

Recently, more and more people in Israel have been participating in mass demonstrations against the leadership. Criticism is growing as medical workers have been prevented from working by police or injured by the use of water cannons in protests.

On Monday evening, there was a clash between protesters and police outside the Prime Minister's private residence in Jerusalem. Many people were injured. The police also arrested many protesters.
