Hyderabad, South India Organized Retailers Association (ORA) on Wednesday reportedly threatened to stop the sale of OnePlus products in its establishments from May 1 due to unresolved concerns with the company.

In a letter addressed to Ranjit Singh, sales director, OnePlus Technology India, ORA said that over the past year, the retailers' organization has faced significant hurdles associated with selling OnePlus products that remain unresolved.

“Despite our continued efforts to address these concerns with your company, very little progress or resolution has been achieved. The promises made have not been fulfilled, leaving us with no option but to take this drastic step.

ORA wishes to sadly inform our collective decision to stop the retail sale of OnePlus products in our establishments with effect from May 1, 2024,” the organization said.OnePlus officials could not immediately be reached for comment.

ORA alleged that, among other issues, persistently low profit margins on OnePlus products have made it challenging for retailers to maintain their business, especially amid rising operational and financial costs.

It also pointed out that continuous delays and complications in processing warranty and service claims have led to dissatisfaction among customers and increased burden on them despite repeated efforts to escalate and resolve the issues.

ORA said model-specific bundling requirements have forced retailers to carry non-moving products, which is adversely impacting their already "low margins" and creating unsustainable losses for their businesses. doing.

“As a respected partner, we look forward to a more fruitful collaboration with OnePlus.Sadly, due to the current issues we have no choice but to stop selling your products in our stores.”

The body urged OnePlus to proactively address the concerns before the end of this month.

ORA is an association through which all the organized trade retailers in South India have come together to form a body that helps its members address any concerns/issues and also collectively helps each other and With the aim of increasing, the OR website said.