Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor's wife Mira Kapu has recently shared her candid reaction on the 'Teri Baton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya' star's travel itinerary that surfaced on social media. Travel plans soon began to be shared on various social media platforms. Scheduled to fly to destinations including Delhi, Tokyo, Sydney, New York, Paris, Istanbul and Abu Dhabi, Kapoor found herself at the center of unwanted attention as fans And followers talked about them. Future developments Mira Kapoor took to her social media platforms to humorously raise the matter, "When the internet cares more about your husband's travel plans than you do. By the way, when are you going to introduce me to this friend @shahidkapoor ???
His witty comment garnered a lot of attention online, with netizens praising him for handling the situation with grace and humor. Meanwhile, the actor who was recently seen in the rom-com 'Teri Baton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya' opposite Kriti Sanon received positive reviews for his performance. , The film also performed well at the box office. Looking ahead, Kapoor's fans are eagerly waiting for his next project 'Deva' directed by Roshan Andrews. The film, co-starring Pooja Hegde, is scheduled for theatrical release on Dussehra on October 11 this year.