In a post on LinkedIn, Jeff Bogdan, who was the director of Learning and Development (L&D) at Microsoft Windows, wrote, "My 33-year tenure with Microsoft ended in February when I was laid off. My This entire MS career has been an incredible journey. The three products I'm proudest of are Windows Phone Zune and Windows 95."

However, his biggest gain came in the last two years, when he got the L&D role at Windows.

Bogdan mentioned in his post that his dismissal was a result of H adopting the hub and spoke model for L&D that he was introducing.

“Sadly, while they already had an L&D team in my division, there wasn’t a seat at the table for me,” he said.

Further in the post, Bogdan said that a new journey has begun in search of his second career.

He wrote, "The simplest start is through consulting. I'm looking at consulting as a way to learn more about the industry and understand where my expertise can move the industry forward."

Earlier this year, Microsoft announced the cuts of at least 1,900 jobs from Activision Blizzard and Xbox, affecting about 8 percent of the total Microsoft gaming division, which has about 22,000 employees.