Although no casualties have been reported so far, some people reportedly fell ill due to the thick smoke that spread over the popular shopping mall.

Teams from the State Fire Department and Disaster Management Authority successfully evacuated visitors and employees from various shops located in the shopping mall.

At present, 15 fire tenders are trying to extinguish the fire at the spot.

“The fire caused panic among the people present in the mall. A stampede could have broken out but fortunately it was averted,” said a fire official.

Fire Services Minister Sujit Bose, who reached the spot, said, "Our priority right now is to control the fire." Once this is done, a detailed investigation will be conducted to determine the exact cause of the fire. Action will be taken if any negligence is found in following fire safety norms.

Fire officials suspect that the fire broke out in the food court located on the fourth floor of the mall.

The mall's power connection was immediately cut off, as firefighters broke several glass panels to quickly extinguish the smoke.