Local people said that the fire was first seen early in the morning and later engulfed both the factories adjacent to each other.

Since flammable items were stored in the factory as well as in the warehouse attached to the ice cream factory, it did not take long for the fire to take a catastrophic turn.

Initially 20 fire tenders reached the spot and started the work of controlling the fire. However, five more fire engines joined them shortly afterwards.

Locals had complained to media persons that although the fire service department was informed as soon as the fire broke out, there was a delay in the arrival of fire tenders, due to which the fire spread further.

A fire services department official present at the spot said that first of all he stopped the fire from spreading to the adjacent high-rise building. “Those who were working in the night shift were the first to see the fire and all of them immediately evacuated the factory premises. There is no news of any casualty yet. Our main task now is to control the fire.”

Dumdum Municipality Chairman Harendra Singh immediately reached the spot. He said the impact of the fire could have been even worse if it had spread to an adjacent high-rise building or a college adjacent to factories.

“However, this could have been prevented. The fire is slowly coming under control.”