Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], Actor Manoj Bajpayee and his wife Shabana Raza stepped out together to complete their voting duties amid the ongoing Lok Sabha elections on Monday. Some time ago, both of them reached a polling booth in Mumbai and cast their vote. He also appealed to the public to participate in the elections and exercise their right to vote. "This is the biggest festival and everyone should vote because you will get this opportunity." If you don't vote after 5 years, you have no right to complain...'' After casting his vote, Manoj also shared pictures on Instagram in which he and Shabana are seen showing their inked fingers. . "All of you are requested to vote and exercise your democratic right," he wrote in Hindi. Voting for the fifth phase of Lok Sabha elections began at 7 am on Monday and will continue till 6 pm, with queues till closing time. Those engaged are still allowed to vote. According to the ECI, more than 8.95 crore voters, including 4.69 crore men, 4.26 crore women and 5409 voters of the third gender, will decide the fate of 69 candidates. The fifth phase will see major contests from Rahul Gandhi, BJP leader Rajnath Singh, Piyush Goyal, Ujjwal Nikam, LJP (Ram Vilas) chief Chirag Paswan. Chief Omar Abdullah and RJD leader Rohini Acharya are looking for electoral success in eight states.The union territories going to vote in Phase 5 are Bihar, Jammu and Kashmir, Ladakh, Jharkhand, Maharashtra, Odisha, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal. Of the 4 Lok Sabha seats, 14 are from Uttar Pradesh, 13 from Maharashtra, 7 from West Bengal. , 5 from Bihar, 3 from Jharkhand, 5 from Odisha, and one each from Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh, to create a peaceful environment for voters, a total of 2,00 flying squads, 2105 static surveillance teams, 881 video surveillance teams, 502 video viewing teams are monitoring 94,732 polling stations round the clock.