Mumbai: A 29-year-old man has been arrested for allegedly trying to dupe a woman by claiming that he could get her a role in a film being made by Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar's production company, police said. Gave this information on Wednesday.

The accused also tried to extort Rs 6 lakh from him for making his portfolio and claimed that a photographer working for Amitabh Bachchan would be included in it, an official said.

Accused Rohan Mehra alias Prince Kumar Sinha was caught from a hotel in Juhu area on Tuesday evening.

The 28-year-old woman, an aspiring actor, and her father approached the police after realizing they were being duped.

According to the complaint, the woman received a call from Mehra on April 3.

He reportedly told her that he was speaking on behalf of Akshay Kumar's production company Cape of Good Films.

The woman was told that she had been shortlisted for a project related to the 2012 'Nirbhaya' case and women empowerment.

After a formal meeting the accused told the woman that she had been selected for a role in the film and needed to make a portfolio.

But later, the woman contacted Kumar's assistant who told her that someone named Rohan Mehra was not working with them.

The woman then lodged a complaint with the police, following which Mehra was caught from the hotel where he had called her and her father for another meeting.

The officer said he has been booked under IPC section 420 (cheating) and further investigation is underway.