Kuala Lumpur, From individual voices to collective movements, Malaysian women are using online tools to challenge discrimination and fight for equality.

In 2021, Malaysian schools were shaken by a powerful online movement led by a 17-year-old named Ain Husniza Saiful Nizam.

The #MakeSchoolASaferPlace campaign exposed the prevalence of sexual harassment faced by students, predominantly girls. Ain's story, along with many others shared online, sparked public outrage and forced a national conversation about the need for reform in institutions educational.

Malaysia's high internet penetration rate (97.4 percent), coupled with the widespread use of social media platforms (83.1 percent), has empowered women to challenge traditional media gatekeepers and directly defend their causes.

A study indicated that Malaysian women are increasingly aware of gender-related issues due to their exposure to social media. Previously, women activists relied heavily on mainstream media to highlight women's issues . However, these efforts were hampered by a lack of visibility and representation, as traditional media platforms were often heavily regulated and censored.

Various digital tools, in addition to social media platforms, are used to raise awareness, influence policy and provide support and care to those in need.

The power of digital activismOnline crowdfunding platforms such as GoFundMe and SimplyGiving, and petition and campaign platforms such as Change.org allow individuals or organizations to start petitions and garner support that can be used to pressure policy makers. policies.

Malaysian women's digital activism can be classified into individual efforts and collective efforts, both of which play a vital role in influencing Malaysia's socio-political landscape.

Individual efforts in digital activism are often driven by personal experiences, beliefs, and motivations to raise awareness about a specific issue. The impact of individual activism on digital platforms can be profound, as people can resonate at a level personal, promoting greater empathy and solidarity.

Collective efforts involve groups organized in response to specific issues. This often comes in the form of grassroots movements that arise due to specific issues and depend on the collective energy and passion of the public.

There are a small number of women-specific grassroots movements in Malaysia that address various issues including environmental protection, political empowerment and citizenship rights. However, movements such as #Undi18, Family Frontiers and Klima Action Malaysia are often led by women and have had substantial female participation.

This digital activism has yielded significant results.

#MeToo provided an opportunityThe #MeToo movement, which gained global traction online in 2017, provided a window of opportunity for Malaysian activists.

They managed to pressure the government to provide better legal protections for victims of sexual harassment and gender-based violence and ensure adequate punishments for perpetrators. This eventually led to the Sexual Harassment Law finally published in July 2022.

In addition to addressing sexual harassment, women activists have also used digital platforms to shed light on issues of statelessness and citizenship.Family Frontiers is an example of a grassroots movement defending the right of Malaysian mothers to receive equal treatment in the seeking equal citizenship rights for their children born abroad.

In August 2022, Family Frontiers filed an appeal to the Federal Court against the Malaysian Court of Appeal's decision to overturn the High Court's decision to grant Malaysian women equal rights to confer Malaysian citizenship on their children born in the country. foreign.

It also has an active presence on social media highlighting the movement's activities, live-streaming press conferences, and sharing content on issues related to statelessness and citizenship.Online harassment persists

Even though the digital space gives women the freedom to express their demands, women who occupy it are still subject to numerous challenges, such as online harassment, doxing, and sexism.

Online harassment is a widespread problem, with activists often subject to targeted abuse, threats and cyberbullying. For example, Malaysian activists were targeted for cyberbullying after the 2019 Women's Day March. spoke about topics that are considered sensitive, taboo or that challenge the status quo became targets of online harassment and doxing.

In 2024, Women's March organizers were cited by police for organizing the event, a move considered part of "repeated cycles" of investigations against peaceful gatherings.

Government censorship poses another major challenge, as the Sedition Act and the Communications and Multimedia Act are frequently used to silence dissenting voices. Women activists may be at risk of posting content that is considered harmful or seditious. This creates a climate of fear and leads to self-censorship.

Despite these challenges, the rise of Malaysian women's digital activism marks a significant shift in the country's social landscape. It demonstrates the power of online platforms to empower women to challenge the status quo and demand change.

As Malaysia's digital space evolves, this trend is likely to play an increasingly important role in shaping the country's future. (360info.org) GRSGRS