"The revival of the General Assembly should also be seen in the broader context of the overall reform of the United Nations," Prateek Mathur, minister of India's UN mission, said on Thursday.

Speaking at a meeting of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Revitalizing the Assembly, he said, "It is our strong belief that urgent and comprehensive UN reform, including the Security Council, is necessary to make it reflect current geopolitical realities and enhance its capacity. Is." To meet the increasingly complex challenges of our times."

"Let us strive to make this reform of the global governance architecture fit for the 21st century a reality in the future agreement that we are currently negotiating," he said.

Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has called for a 'Summit for the Future' in September, where world leaders are to adopt a 'Agreement for the Future' to make the world organization more effective in meeting global challenges.Mathur said the primacy of the Assembly, which is closest to a "global parliament", should be recognized in any effort to revive it.

He said, "India has always believed that the General Assembly can be revitalized only if its status as the primary deliberative, representative policy-making organ of the United Nations is respected in letter and spirit."

"The essence of the General Assembly lies in its intergovernmental nature," he said. "It's the closest we'll get to a global parliament."

He said any changes to its working methods should be to enhance its role "as the principal deliberative, policy-making and representative organ of the United Nations"."The success of the United Nations depends on the effectiveness of the Assembly as the principal deliberative and policy-making body envisaged in the UN Charter," Mathew said.

He drew attention to the annual general debate, which is attended by the heads of government of most of the 193 members in September, but Kringle finds himself competing with other high-level events scheduled at the same time.

He said, "India is of the view that for the revival of the General Assembly, the sanctity of the annual general debate and its associated elements must be restored".

“The meeting has a special place on the annual agenda of the United Nations and we should not conflate it with various high-level events that do not involve the participation of all member states,” he said.,