Nagpur (Pench Tiger Reserve) in Maharashtra has launched an advanced artificial intelligence-based system for early detection of forest fires, an official said on Friday.

(Maharashtra) Deputy Director Prabhu Nath Shukla said, the state-of-the-art system will increase the efficiency and responsiveness of fire detection efforts in the reserve.

According to an official release, the new system has a high-resolution camera with a visual range of 15 km, effectively covering an area of ​​more than 350 sq km.

The AI-powered platform, known as Pantera, leverages both camera feeds and satellite-based data to provide real-time warnings of wildfires within three minutes, the release said.

The system consists of a tower with a camera and a control panel.The release said the camera is installed on a tower on one of the highest hills of the reserve near Kiringisarra village, and is connected to the control room at the Wes Pench Range Office in Kolitamara.

Shukla said, “Traditionally, the forest department has been entirely dependent on satellite-based alerts for fire detection. However, the AI ​​system marks a transformative upgrade by incorporating visual data from cameras, which can detect potential fires. "Enables quicker and more accurate detection."

One of the extraordinary features of the AI ​​system is its ability to distinguish between smoke and clouds and detect night time.

The system also receives weather data related to temperature, rainfall, wind, etc., and by analyzing data from past fires, the system forecasts possible future fires in the short term, which helps in planning fire control.This system can also be integrated with water tanks, forest vehicles etc. if GPS is available.

The project has been successfully implemented through collaboration between Maharashtra, Satpura Foundation, Umgramio (Brazil) and Forest Fire Tech, Division of Scale Inc., USA.

Part of the project was funded by Solar Industries India Limited, Nagpur and the rest by the state government.