Bhopal: The Madhya Pradesh cabinet on Wednesday approved a proposal to purchase a new aircraft for the state government to transport VVIPs, an official said.

The official said that the proposal to acquire Challenger 3500 jet aircraft was approved in the cabinet meeting chaired by Chief Minister Mohan Yadav.

Earlier, the state had a B-200GT VT MPQ aircraft, but it was damaged after crash-landing at Gwalior airport in May 2021.

The official said the Cabinet also approved the proposal to implement the National e-Vidhan Application (Neva) to make the state assembly paperless under the Centre's Digital India program at an estimated cost of Rs 23.87 crore.

Under the central programme, all state assemblies will go paperless and come on a single platform, the official said. The Center will bear 60 per cent of the project cost and the rest will have to be borne by the state, the official said.