Chhatarpur (Madhya Pradesh) [India], After the Supreme Court on Friday rejected petitions doubting the reliability of electronic voting machines, Madhya Pradesh BJP president and candidate from Khajuraho Lok Sabha constituency VD Sharma said Congress leaders are blaming EVMs for the defeat. Is considered guilty. Sharma told ANI, "The Supreme Court's decision was expected. The Election Commission is a constitutional organization. It works within the ambit of law. EVMs are used not only in India but all over the world."Blame your defeat on EVMs. The court should take action against them for wasting the time of the Supreme Court. Digivjay Singh and Congress should answer why the country's money and time was wasted because of them." Electronic Voting A bench of Justices Sanjiv Khanna and Dipankar also rejected the pleas seeking 100 per cent verification of votes cast by the machines (EVMs) with their Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT) slips and their prayer for reverting to the paper ballot voting system. All of them, after referring to the existing protocols, technical aspects and data which is on record,” the bench said in separate but concurring judgements, while giving two directions from the top court, “one directing symbol loading After the completion of the process., Symbol Loading Units (SLU) must be sealed in containers. SLU should be stored for a minimum period of 4 days. The top court in its second direction said that after the declaration of results on the request of the candidates, the burnt memory in the micro controller EVMs will be examined by a team of engineers and such request for verification should be made within seven days of the declaration. The bench said that the cost of verification of the results will be borne by the candidates making the request. It also said that if EVMs are found to be tampered with, the expenditure will be refunded.The bench also asked the ECI to examine the EVMs for counting of votes. There could be a bar code for each party along with the paper slip and what symbol, Justice Dutta said in his separate judgment, adding that blindly distrusting a system could give rise to undue suspicion. "Instead, a critical but constructive approach guided by evidence and reason must be followed to ensure the reliability and effectiveness of the system," Justice Dutta said in his judgment delivered by Chief Election Commissioner Rajeev Kumar on March 16. During the press conference after the announcement of elections, it was said that EVMs are 100 percent safe. Kumar, who has appeared in constitutional courts more than 40 times, said the apex court's verdict came on petitions filed by voters seeking to have their votes cast with VVPATs "counted as recorded". Currently, VVPAT slips of five randomly selected EVMs are available.Verification of segments is performed in each assembly. Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR), Arun Kumar Aggarwal and others had filed a petition in the apex court saying that during the hearing, the apex court had said that everything cannot be doubted and they should not be critical about every aspect. Should be. During the EVM hearing, an ECI official was present in the courtroom to explain to the bench the working of EVMs and VVPATs. He told the court that there was never any match between the EVM and VVPAT slips. The petitions demand more comprehensive verification of EVM data against VVPAT records.The need for voters to confirm that their votes have been "recorded after casting" is fulfilled to some extent when the VVPAT slip is displayed on the EVM for approximately seven seconds after pressing the button. The petition states that there is a transparent window for voters to verify that their vote has been recorded on the internally printed VVPAT slip before the slip falls into the 'ballot box'.However, the petition states that there is a complete void in the law as the election panel did not provide any process to the voter to verify that his vote has been 'counted as recorded' which is a form of voter verification. is an essential part