Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], Actor Hrithik Roshan recently praised Kunal Kemmu for his film 'Lootcase' and also accepted the positive feedback about 'Margao Express'. Hrithik took to his ex (formerly Twitter) to praise Kunal on Sunday. The actor reviewed the 2020 comedy-thriller, 'Lootcase' directed by Rajes Krishnan and praised Kunal as a 'brilliant actor'. He also extended his best wishes to the entire team for the 'fun film'. He wrote, "I just watched Lootcase. Loved it!! Kunal Kemmu is a brilliant actor. He got a lot of praise for Margao Express too. But Lootcase is amazing. Thank you to its director Rajesh Krishnan and all the cast and crew." My belated congratulations to the entire team! What a fun movie (with an oncoming fist emoji!)

>I just saw the lootcase. loved it !! Kunal Khemu is a very brilliant actor. B is also getting a lot of praise for his Margao Express. But Lootcase is awesome. My belated congratulations to its director Rajesh Krishnan and all the cast and entire team! What a fun movie!

- Hrithik Roshan (@iHrithik) April 7, 202

As soon as the 'Fighter' actor posted the review, fans chimed in in the comments section. One user commented, "Lootcase is very underrated. Also, you should watch Kuna Khemu's Margao Express, it's even more fun." Another user wrote, "Rewatching the time. A third user said, "Kunal is a brilliant actor, all the best for his film." Roles. The film is based on the life of an Indian Air Force pilot played by Hrithik Roshan and his journey to protect his country and loved ones.