Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], In a surprising turn of events during the IPL 202 match, a viral picture bearing resemblance to Bollywood actress Shraddha Kapoor has created a stir on social media platforms. The picture shows a mysterious girl enjoying a cricket match. Comparisons with the 'Stree' star Soon, the picture spread like wildfire, with users even tagging Shraddha Kapoor's sister, further fueling the speculation. Instances of celebrity lookalikes surfacing on social media are not uncommon, however, there is a striking similarity between the mystery girl and the mystery girl. Shraddha Kapu's image catapults her to internet sensation status During the intense clash between Mumbai Indians and Royal Challenger Bangalore, all eyes were fixed on the girl's attractive face, sparking a wave of curiosity and excitement among netizens, viral photo Responding, Shraddha Kapoor herself shared the picture on her Instagram story with a playful caption, "Hey, that's me!" along with a laughing emoji

Shraddha's post immediately gained attention, with fans expressing surprise and amusement. Furthermore, the mystery girl's photo hit X's timeline and users unanimously agreed on her resemblance with Shraddha Kapoor While the internet was filled with comparisons, Shraddha Kapoor has been making headlines for her upcoming projects, IPL Amidst the frenzy, Shraddha is extremely focused on herself. The anticipated horror-comedy film, 'Stree 2' is all set to reunite Rajkummar Rao, Pankaj Tripathi and Varun Sharma, fans are eagerly awaiting its release due to Shraddha Kapoor's return to the Stree franchise, Rumors Film Also suggesting Tamannaah Bhatia's cameo, which is scheduled. For theatrical release on August 30 this year.