Srinagar: National Conference leader Omar Abdullah on Friday asked the BJP why it did not field candidates from the Kashmir Valley despite claiming to have brought Jammu and Kashmir on the path of development after the abrogation of Article 370.

BJP has not fielded candidates on three seats in Kashmir for the Lok Sabha elections.

"We will see how many votes the BJP gets in Kashmir (in the assembly elections). If it has done such a great service, why has it not fielded a single candidate in Kashmir?" Abdullah said this after addressing a Batwara election rally in support of the party's Srinagar candidate Aga Syed Ruhullah Mehdi.

The National Conference vice-president was asked to comment on Prime Minister Narendra Modi's remarks in a TV interview that he had implemented the Constitution of India in Jammu and Kashmir after the abrogation of Article 370.

Abdullah said the BJP did not field candidates on three seats in the Valley because "it knows where it stands.",

Earlier during his address, targeting the People's Democratic Party (PDP), Abdullah said that the people of Jammu and Kashmir have seen representatives who went to Parliament and remained silent.

Referring to the post-poll alliance between the two parties in 2014, he said, "It (PDP) sought votes against the BJP and later entered into an alliance with it."

Abdullah said that people want a representative who will represent them in Parliament and talk about their rights.

"We want someone who will talk about our dignity and that is representative AG Ruhullah and the National Conference," he said while seeking votes for the party's candidates.

Abdullah said, if people want honest, young and dynamic representatives to become their voice, then give us (National Conference) a chance.Taking aim at the BJP, he said the party in power at the Center "snatched away our identity and our land rights".

"It did not open colleges, universities or schools. In fact, it opened liquor shops. It is pushing the youth into drug addiction," he said.

Referring to the Prime Minister's comments about the Congress' election manifesto, Abdullah said the BJP was talking about 'Mangalsutra' and land because 'it wants to spread hatred'.,

He said, "They say there has been prosperity in Kashmir after the removal of Article 370. But we are a helpless community. We lost our youth in the boat accident in Gandaba (last month) just because the bridge there was incomplete. We (Nation Conference) are out of it." Electricity since 2014, then why blame us? Who am I to blame for the tragedy?" he asked.On postponement of voting for Anantnag-Rajouri constituency, Abdullah said the move made it clear that "she (BJP) is afraid of us".

The election on the rescheduled Anantnag-Rajouri seat, which was scheduled to be held on May 7, has been postponed by the Election Commission to May 25.

Voting is to be held in the fourth phase in Srinagar on May 13.