Agartala (Tripura) [India], April 19: Around 2,500 voters cross the India-Bangladesh border fence to cast their votes in Tripura. The barbed wire fence may have affected their lives, but no one wants to miss this opportunity. Exercise your franchise in the biggest celebration of democracy. For historical reasons, a large number of voters in Tripura had to live beyond the barbed wire fence. People who have attained legal age to vote are now enrolled in the voter list of Tripura.Border gates have been opened since morning to facilitate voting
Amid tight security ahead of the elections, Indian citizens who have been isolated from the mainstream said they are getting all kinds of support from the authorities so that they can cast their votes without any hassle. Speaking to ANI, an Indian national, Hafizur Rahman, who lives on the Bangladesh side of the barbed wire fence, said that all the 50 voters living in his village are eager to cast their votes in these elections. “My name is Hafizur Rahman. I live on the other side of the fence. The situation is quite good.Voting is also going on smoothly. There are 19 families with 50 voters, most of them have voted in the morning and the remaining voters will also come to vote soon.'' With "Jumma". "Because of Jumma, some people were in the bus for religious activities. All of them will definitely come to vote," Rehman told ANI. Photo identity cards of those villagers who were required to vote Even on polling day, in Jayanagar area, located very close to Agartala city, there was no exception, with women BSF personnel discharging their duties.Another resident of the same village, which falls under Ramnagar assembly constituency, said, "Families living in our village have been participating in the election process since morning. We have faced many problems so far. Many people have already voted. Others are getting ready to vote. We live ahead of the fence, this 80C gate helps us to cross the border. The total number of voters living beyond the fence is 2,500.All the villages beyond the fence fall under the jurisdiction of West Tripura parliamentary constituency, "The voting percentage is satisfactory and if the trend continues to increase at this pace, the total voting percentage will definitely cross the 80 per cent mark." West Tripura RO Dr Vishal Kumar said that around 34 per cent voters cast their votes, the administration and police launched a campaign to keep a close watch on the security of voters and keeping in mind the history, security measures were taken in the border areas. On violence in the area, he said, “Since Ramnagar is a border-aligned area and has a history of election violence, we have made adequate arrangements for security personnel. Administration and police teams are making rounds to keep a strict vigil.'' According to reports received from the polling stations, the polling process is going on smoothly and no untoward incident has taken place so far, except in front of the fencing areas. On the constituency population, Dr Kumar said, “If you consider the entire parliamentary constituency, there are more than 2,500 voters.Live between zero line and fencing and most of them are living in Boxanagar. The population there is around 1,600 and everyone will vote here. We have seen that last year a large number of voters participated in the voting. More than 90 percent of them cast their votes. We hope that the situation will remain the same this year also.”