Bengaluru (Karnataka) [India] Former Chief Minister of Karnataka and Janata Dal (Secular) leader HD Kumaraswamy said that whoever was at fault in the alleged video case, "there is no question of forgiving them." "Accordingly." Bhumi, the person who committed the wrongdoing, will have to face its implications and declined to comment further until the investigation is completed. "Let all the facts come out through the investigation. It does not matter who is at fault, there is no question of forgiving them for any reason, so we will talk about it after the investigation report is completed. Kumaraswamy said, "Whether it is me or HD Deve Gowda, we always respect women and whenever they come with complaints, we have tried to resolve their problems.CM has already ordered SIT investigation and SIT investigation has started. The SIT team will bring him back from abroad. This is not my concern. Whoever does wrong according to the law of this country will have to face it," the JD(S) leader said while speaking to reporters outside his residence in Bengaluru. "Whoever eats salt should drink water, This is the law of the country. If he has gone to another country, the government will bring him back. I have nothing to do with it.'' The Special Investigation Team (SIT) will investigate the alleged obscene video case involving Hassan MP Prajwa Revanna. Welcoming the SIT probe, JD(S) core committee president and senior leader G Deve Gowda said, “I don't blame the government for announcing the SI probe.We will sit and decide what action should be taken on the issue of Prajwal Revanna. All I will say right now is that I welcome the SI investigation." As a party, we have nothing to do with the video. BJP's state unit chief spokesperson S Prakash said on Sunday. "Prajwal is linked to Revanna. We have some comments to make on the SIT investigation announced by the state government into the alleged sex scandal.'' Revanna is the grandson of former Prime Minister and JD(S). ) Supremo HD Deve Goud is seeking a new term in the Lower House from Hassan as the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) candidate and faces Congress's Shreya Patel. It will be headed by a three-member SIT constituted by the state government.IP Officer Vijay Kumar Singh. DG CID Suman D Penekar and IPS officer Seema Latka will be members of the team. This case has been registered at Holenarasipur police station under sections 35A, 354D, 506 and 509 of the IPC. Earlier on Saturday, he had announced the decision of formation. A SIT will be formed to investigate the case, Chief Minister Siddaramaiah said in a post on It is in this background that the chairperson of the Women's Commission had written a letter to the government asking for a SIT investigation. This decision has been taken in response to her request. ' The post further said that earlier on April 25, the Women Commission chairperson had requested Siddaramaiah to initiate an SIT probe after objectionable videos started circulating on social media, purportedly involving the JD(S) MLA. Were.