Chennai, Madras High Court on Thursday said the Tamil Nadu State Legal Services Authority (TNSLSA) report related to alleged sexual abuse of girls in a fake NCC camp in the state's Krishnagiri district was " shocking."

The apex bench, comprising Acting Chief Justice D Krishnakumar and Justice P B Balaji, made the observation while hearing a public interest litigation filed by advocate A P Suryaprakasam, seeking to transfer the investigation into the incident from the police. Krishnagiri to the CBI.

After reading the report, the court said that the TNSLSA in its report stated that one of the instructors present at the two-day NCC fake camp showed weapons (pistol) and threatened the students not to reveal anything about the incident to anyone. . The main accused, the deceased Sivaraman, threatened the children that he would cut off their little fingers if they revealed anything about what happened in the camp. Everything happened within the school grounds, too. The organizers set up a bonfire inside the school on two occasions, mingled with the students and Sivaraman moved freely with them, the court added.

Earlier, the court directed the TNSLSA to visit the school, interact with students, parents and teachers, besides the school management. Accordingly, the TNSLSA visited the school, interacted with stakeholders and submitted a report.

Earlier, Additional Advocate General J. Ravindran submitted that as per the court's directions, the government had issued a show cause notice to the school and since the response was not satisfactory, the Krishnagiri District Education Officer recommended the Director of Private Schools to appoint a special officer to manage the school. The official will be appointed in a week or two, he added.

He said interim compensation was also paid to the victim girls through the Fast Track Mahila Court.

Advocate General P S Raman said the accused Sivaraman committed suicide by consuming rat poison. The school principal and the correspondent had been arrested earlier. Show cause notices will be issued to three schools, where fake NCC camps were held and action will be taken, he added.

Suryaprakasam stated that it should be thoroughly investigated whether Sivaraman committed suicide or not. The whole matter needs thorough investigation. Students should get free medical treatment at a private hospital. He added that a “thank you” amount should be given to the victim girls.

The court set the new hearing of the case for September 19.