CTA believes the important meeting highlights bipartisan U.S. support for Tibetan autonomy and promotes dialogue between the Chinese government and envoys to the Dalai Lama.

The Dalai Lama, who fled Tibet in March 1959 after a failed rebellion against Chinese rule, believes in a 'middle-way' approach, meaning greater autonomy for Tibet rather than complete independence. The 88-year-old Tibetan monk lives in exile in McLeodganj, a small and quaint hill station in the suburbs of Dharamshala in the northern Indian Himalayas.

US lawmakers last week passed a bipartisan bill to increase support for Tibet and promote dialogue between China and the Dalai Lama toward a peaceful resolution of the long-standing dispute between Tibet and China. It now goes to President Joe Biden, who is expected to sign it into law.A CTA spokesperson said on Tuesday that visiting lawmakers, including Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi, would meet with His Holiness the Dalai Lama on Wednesday morning.

CTA officials believe that the Resolve Tibet Act, once signed, is a powerful affirmation of the United States' steadfast commitment to the people of Tibet.

Visiting House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman McCaul is the original sponsor of the bill.

Supporting the bill, McCaul said, "The United States has never acknowledged that Tibet was part of China since ancient times as the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) falsely claims. This legislation clarifies US policy and highlights the unique language, religion, and culture of the Tibetan people.It directs US diplomacy to take action against CCP propaganda. “Furthermore, it ensures that Tibetans have the right to have a say in their future.”

“This bill emphasizes the need for dialogue between the CCP and other democratically elected leaders of Tibet. Any resolution must include the wishes and voices of the Tibetan people...The passage of this bill reflects America's determination that the CCP's status quo in Tibet is unacceptable, and I can send no greater message to the Dalai Lama and the people of Tibet. Or can't think of a gift. To help put the people of Tibet in charge of their future, this bill should be passed and delivered to the President's desk as soon as possible.,

The visit by the US delegation comes two days before the Dalai Lama's planned visit to the US for treatment of his knees. However, his office told IANS that His Holiness will not have any public engagements, including public audiences, during the visit.

En route to the US, the 14th Dalai Lama will make a brief stopover in Zurich, Switzerland on June 22.

As per the programme, the visiting delegation will be briefed about the development, structure and functioning of the Tibetan Parliament in Exile.

The spiritual leader's last significant meeting with the US high-level delegation led by Under Secretary Special Coordinator for Tibetan Issues Uzra Zeya was held here on May 18, 2022.This was the sixth consecutive visit of Special Coordinators to Dharamshala.

According to the CTA, in January 2000 Assistant Secretary Julia Taft became the first special coordinator to visit hospice. In November 2006, Under Secretary Paula J. Dobriansky visited. In 2009, Under Secretary Maria Otero (then nominated to serve as special coordinator), accompanied Valerie Jarrett, senior advisor to President Barack Obama, on a visit to Hospice.

Under Secretary Sara Sewall visited Dharamshala in 2014 and 2016.(Vishal Gulati can be contacted at [email protected])