Patna, RJD chief Lalu Prasad celebrated his 77th birthday on Tuesday by cutting a 77-pound cake in the presence of his family and his party leaders.

A large number of RJD workers gathered outside the official residence of his wife and former CM Rabri Devi, 10 Circular Road, where he lives, and distributed sweets.

In a post on Instagram, Prasad's daughter Rohini Acharya said, "It is my good fortune to be the daughter of a great personality like you. Since childhood, you have taught me the true meaning of life, humanity, love, sacrifice and hard work." I played in your lap, learned to walk holding your finger, this is the divine blessing I got, wish you a very happy birthday, Papa.”

RJD state president Jagdanand Singh said that Prasad has always been a source of inspiration for the deprived, downtrodden and economically weaker sections of the society.

"His message to the party workers is simple - work for the overall development of the society and especially the people living in rural areas," Singh said.

He said that community feasts were being organized by RJD workers in different parts of the state to celebrate Prasad's birthday.