New Delhi [India], Ladakh Lieutenant Governor Dr. BD Mishra declared Ladakh the administrative unit to achieve full functional literacy under the ULLAS-Nav Bharat Saaksharta Karyakram, after achieving over 97 percent literacy, according to a statement from the Ministry. of Education on Tuesday.

This milestone reflects Ladakh's commitment to empowering its citizens through basic literacy, numeracy and critical life skills for all. Dr Mishra informed this at a celebration at Sindhu Sanskritik Kendra (SSK), Leh, the statement added.

The ceremony included the felicitation of neo-literates and volunteer teachers and the launch of the 2023 Annual Achievement Report of the school department. Dignitaries visited the ULLAS Mela.

While speaking at the event, Dr. Mishra motivated the new students and volunteers to continue the path of learning throughout their lives. He said it is the responsibility of parents to send their children to school. He also urged the students to not only look for jobs but also think about creating jobs. Praising Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi for introducing NEP 2020, he said the policy paves the way for the future growth of the country.

While addressing the audience, Sanjay Kumar congratulated the people of Ladakh on this momentous achievement and assured them that the Ministry of Education will provide all possible support to improve the school education system of Ladakh. He reiterated that education has the power to change the world. As the name ULLAS suggests, it can bring immense joy to new students, he said.

He also highlighted that the entire ULLAS model is based on volunteering, where volunteers register through the ULLAS Mobile App with no expectation of reward and simply teach the illiterate, which is the real beauty of this program. He also mentioned the inspiring stories of perseverance, such as conducting exams in snowy conditions, which underline Ladakh's passion for literacy. This achievement lays the foundation for lasting positive change and endless opportunities in Ladakh, Shri Sanjay Kumar added.

ULLAS - Nav Bharat Saaksharta Karyakram or New India Literacy Program (NILP), is a centrally sponsored scheme implemented between 2022 and 2027. The scheme is aligned with the recommendations of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 and aims empower those adults aged 15 and over from all backgrounds who were unable to receive proper education and integrate them into society so that they can contribute more to the growth story. from the country.

The plan consists of five components: basic literacy and numeracy, critical life skills, basic education, vocational skills and continuing education. The vision of the ULLAS scheme is to make Bharat Jan Jan Saakshar, which is based on the spirit of Kartvya Bodh and is being implemented through volunteerism. The scheme has benefited more than 77 lakh people so far across the country. ULLAS mobile app has more than 1.29 million students and 35 lakh volunteer teachers.