LONDON [UK], Pakistani-origin Sadiq Khan on Saturday won a third term as mayor of London, confirming the political supremacy of the Labor Party in a round of local elections across England and disappointing Britain's Conservative government. , CNN reports Sadiq Khan. He won 43.7 percent of the vote, defeating Conservative challenger Susa Hall by nearly 11 percentage points, extending his control of the capital to a level that began in 2016. After the landslide victory in the elections, Sadiq Khan thanked the people of Londo and said that he will work continuously. Shaping a safer green city for Londoners. “Thank you, London.It has been the honor of my life to serve the city I love. TODA is not about making history, it is about shaping our future. And I will work tirelessly to shape a fairer, safer, greener city for every Londoner," H posted on Twitter. His victory follows a series of victories for the Labor Party in England, coming The Prime Minister is strongly positioned to take power from Rishi Sunak and the Conservatives in a general election in the coming months.CNN reported that conservatives lost control of 10. Local councils and about 50 councilors suffered electoral defeats at the hands of the public on Thursday that almost everyone – including those within the party – had expected Labor leader Keir Starmer told reporters on Saturday, "I'm sorry , I don't care what political party you support, if you leave your country in a worse state than it was 14 years later, you don't deserve to be in government even for a moment, but Sunak has probably had enough success to fend off a challenge to his leadership, which was threatened by rebel Tories, depending on Thursday's election result, with the party expected to retain the mayoralty in the West Midlands on Saturday Having previously held the same post in Tees Valley, the increasingly embattled Sunak has got something to hold on to as he at least seeks to unite his MPs in Westminster, the last before the general election. Sunak has resisted calls to announce when he will vote, and Labor leads the opinion polls by a huge margin, with Starmer's opposition party on eight councils. won control, and also won a Westminster by-election in Blackpool on Thursday, the results confirmed the conventional polling narrative that the group is on track to regain power, although the disastrous wave that some in the Labor Party It failed to meet expectations, CNN reported, losing some of its toughest contests, and there were also signs that dissatisfaction with the party's position on Israel's war in Gaza had taken a toll among voters in areas with large Muslim populations. Harmed the Labor Party. Particularly the loss of the north-west English city of Oldham council, where almost a quarter of the population is Muslim. If his victory is confirmed, Khan would become the first London mayor to serve a third term since the post was created in 2000. do.The city, home to 9 million people, is more multicultural, liberal and pro-European than the UK as a whole, CNN reports, which has led Khan to occasionally clash with Labor leaders, particularly over Brexit issues. But. He has prioritized emissions-reduction policies in an effort to shed the city's reputation as a major polluter, and made international headlines during his administration during a long-running public dispute with former US President Donald Trump. But critics have attacked Khan's record on knife crime and his recent expansion of the world's first low-emission zone, which Conservatives say will hit poor families in outer London hardest.