He Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy and Civil Supplies Minister Uttam Kumar Reddy to clear themselves of the charges. He challenged the sitting judge to initiate a judicial inquiry

He accused CM Revanth Reddy and Minister Uttam Kumar Reddy of being involved in the scam in the Civil Supplies Department.

Addressing a press conference at the BRS central office, Telangana Bhavan in Hyderabad, KTR accused the Congress party of looting the government treasury.

He claimed that the Civil Supplies Department, under the supervision of Uttam Kumar Reddy and Chief Minister Revanth Reddy, gave tenders to four companies to lift paddy from rice mills in the state. He accused both the Chief Minister and the Minister of constituting a committee, issuing guidelines and inviting tenders
Only 25.

The BR leader commented, "The government showed no promptness in fulfilling the election promises, but I got these tenders allotted in a single day at fast jet speed." He alleged that the Congress government is looting government money in the name of global tender for 35 lakh metric tonnes of paddy.He said local rice millers were ready to buy the same paddy at Rs 2,100 per quintal, but the government sold it to companies like Kendriya Bhandar, LG Industries, Hindustan Company and NACAF for 1,885 tonnes at Rs 2,007 per quintal, who sold it at Rs 2,007 per quintal. Secured the tenders by quoting low rates.

KTR accused these four companies of blackmailing local rice millers by demanding Rs 2,230 per quintal, which is Rs 200 more than their tender rates, leading to a scam of Rs 800 crore. He said that according to the tender agreement, these companies have no right to demand money from the rice mill owners in exchange for paddy.

He said these companies failed to lift the paddy within the stipulated 90-day period, which ended on May 23, and sought an extension from the government, which is under positive consideration. He accused the government of trying to extend the period to extract more money from mill owners instead of taking action against companies violating the tender conditions.KTR demanded that the government release a white paper detailing how much paddy was raised and address allegations of extortion from millers in exchange for paddy. He criticized the government for maintaining silence on this multi-crore scam for more than two weeks. KTR also criticized the government policy of selling good and raw paddy at the same price.

He criticized the government for purchasing fine rice at Rs 15 per kg more than the market price. He said the BRS government under KCR had started good rice for school and hostel students as a humanitarian initiative, but the Congress government was taking advantage of this noble cause for corruption.This evening, the price of 10 per cent broken new rice in the market is around Rs 42 per kg, while the government is paying Rs 57 per kg to the companies.

He highlighted that the same four companies involved in the tenders that raised the dubious pads were also given tenders to purchase quality rice, thereby raising suspicion among the people. KTR said these companies quoted almost the same rates in the tenders, leading to blatant rigging in the process.

KTR reminded that the previous government had used the procured paddy to supply fine rice, thereby achieving better quality fine rice at only Rs 35 per kg. He accused the government led by Revanth Reddy and Uttam Kumar Reddy of being involved in a scam worth Rs 30 crore by purchasing 2.20 lakh metric tonnes of rice.H demanded immediate cancellation of the tender award letter for purchasing good rick from these dubious companies.

KTR urged the BJP and its leaders to show their commitment by involving central agencies and FCI to investigate the scam. He reminded that FCI always monitors paddy procurement and Minimum Support Price transactions as per the Food Security Act. The silence of the Central Government also raised suspicion of the complicity of the Congress Government in this paddy scam.

If Congress and BJP fail to clarify their role in this multi-thousand crore paddy and fine rice scam, KTR warned that they will seek judicial intervention.