He said, "This program will be able to recognize seven different emotions on a person's face. This is the first time in India that all the students of a class are getting the opportunity to learn AI equally."

The new academic year starting June 3, 2024, will see new IC textbooks in Malayalam, English, Tamil and Kannada mediums for classes 1, 3, 5 and 7.

The curriculum framework emphasizes the development of children's critical thinking, analytical skills and problem-solving abilities, which are essential for their overall development.

In this context, Sadath said, special emphasis has been laid on the development of logical thinking and programming skills in ICT textbooks for the primary level.The 'Pictoblock' package has been introduced along with the 'Scratch' software that teaches Visua programming. Textbooks to enable students to practice programming, AI, robotics etc.

The technology branch of the General Education Department will provide the necessary software for this in the laptops deployed in KITE schools.

He said the new ICT textbooks for Classes 1 and 3 include FOSS (Free n Open-Source Software) based educational applications such as GCompris eduActiv8, OmniTux and TuxPaint, which cover drawing, reading, language learning, numeracy, operations and rhythm. We do. We doApart from these, applications like Traffic Signa developed by KITE, through which children learn about traffic rules, and Waste Challenge which teaches waste disposal through gaming mode, have also been included in the IC textbook.

Apart from this, language laboratories have also been included in the new textbooks. Sadath, Chairman of the ICT Textbook Committee, said, “The new ICT textbooks present practical ICT activities that nurture life skills as well as support and provide guidance to the study of other subjects. On cyber security and detection of fake news. Are.,

KITE began AI training for 80,000 secondary school teachers from May 2 and so far 20,120 teachers have completed the training, the release said.

General Education Minister V Sivankutty has already issued instructions to provide training on the new ICT textbooks to all primary school teachers from June.

It said new ICT textbooks will be introduced for Classes 2, 4, 6, 8, 9 and 10 in the next academic year.