Shimla: Kerala Governor Arif Mohammed Khan on Monday said adopting the Veda teachings in one's conduct is the best way to propagate Vedic education and said the world will learn a lesson from it.

Saying that "all our constitutional ideals are rooted in our traditions", Kha said, "but we believe these have come from the West because we know very little about our culture and heritage."

The Governor said that our ethos is not "tolerance" but acceptance and respect.

He said, we will not try to change you but accept you as you are because we believe that there is "Brahman" in every living being.

Khan, who was here to inaugurate a seminar on "Vedic Knowledge for Cosmic Harmony" at the Indian Institute of Advanced Study (IIAS), said all cultures go through different phases, see ups and downs and Slavery was also a stage that made us. Ignorant of our culture.

He emphasized that things are not always as we see them and we have to look at reality with close eyes.

The Governor said, "Our culture is to move from small truths to big truths and create a new chart every day and the day we completely understand our culture and heritage, all the misunderstandings will go away." Said, our roots are very deep.
