New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Wednesday made it clear that his wife Sunita is unlikely to contest elections in future, saying she has no interest in active politics even though she has been speaking out publicly after his arrest. Came forward aggressively.

In an interview, Kejriwal spoke at length on a number of topics, including the "humiliation" he faced during his stay in jail, the charges against him, what his family is going through and the opposition Indian faction's chances in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. Possibilities are involved.

Kejriwa said, "Sunita has supported me in every phase of life. I am lucky to have a partner like her. It is not easy to tolerate an eccentric person like me.,

He recalled that in 2000 he had taken leave from his job as Income Tax Commissioner to work in the slums of Delhi, and then resigned to devote his entire time to social work.

"At that time I had no idea whether I would become the Chief Minister or form a party, contest elections. I was just motivated and worked for 10 years. Even they supported me. Imagine what they But what must have happened!” He said.Kejriwal was arrested on March 21 in a money laundering case and alleged irregularities related to the liquor excise policy of the Delhi government from 2001 to 2002. He was released on interim bail on May 10 to campaign for the Aam Aadmi Party in the ongoing general elections. ,

Soon after she was arrested, Sunita Kejriwal, also a former income tax officer, came to the political center of the party. He read Kejriwal's message from jail, held road shows and gave speeches at opposition rallies.

Asked whether she would continue her political role, Kejriwal said, "When I was arrested, she was a bridge between me and the residents of Delhi.This was a temporary phase. He has no interest in active politics. Even in future, it is not so that she will contest elections.”

To a question on whether Sunita Kejriwal would continue her work after returning to jail, the Chief Minister replied, "We will approach the court to provide facilities in the jail so that I can continue my work as Chief Minister of Delhi.,

Kejriwal described his wife as a brave and strong woman and said that both their children were also growing up to be strong and brave.