Vishwa Bhushan Mishra, CEO of Shri Kashi Vishwanath Temple Trust, said Kashi Vishwanath Dham's income from offerings, donations, tickets and revenue from newly constructed buildings in the complex has increased four times in the last seven years.

2020 and 2021 saw a decline in the number of devotees during the COVID-19 pandemic, but the subsequent years witnessed unprecedented growth.

The CEO said the annual income of the temple was earlier Rs 20.14 crore, while it increased to Rs 86.79 crore in the recently concluded 2023-24 financial year.

Since the inauguration of the Kashi Vishwanath Corridor on December 13, 2021, the number of devotees visiting the temple reached 16.22 crore by May 2024 and the trust's income also witnessed a significant increase.

The expansion and modernization of Shri Kashi Vishwanath Dham made the temple areas more accessible, attracting increasing numbers of Shiva devotees from all over the world with every passing day.

After the renovation of the Dham, many facilities were added and the ease of darshan has further boosted tourism in Kashi.

The holy city of Kashi has been a place of pilgrimage for the followers of Sanatan Dharma since time immemorial.

Kashi now offers world-class facilities and it has become easy to reach the city from every part of the world, increasing the influx of devotees.