Karachi [Pakistan], Amid rising temperatures and prolonged power cuts in various areas of Karachi, residents protested across the city. Late night protests blocked major roads, disrupting traffic flow and daily life. Despite paying bills, people were forced to take to the streets on Friday last week demanding uninterrupted supply of electricity and gas. Shahjahan, a resident during the protest, said, "It's 4 pm on Wednesday, and there is still no electricity. We have all paid the bills, and now we face prolonged power cuts." And are sitting in the dark, burdened by electricity." Burden." -Baha. But there is no one to listen to your problems. There are only 2 people at my house, my son is the only earning member and our bill (Pakistani currency) is 30 thousand PKR. Now how will this be the sole income of my family? Does any member pay? We are left with no option and there is no one to take action. There have been continuous power cuts for more than 36 hours and the demand for electricity has increased due to the scorching heat. Protests across the city Another female senior citizen said, “There is no electricity for the last three days, and no response from the administration. I don't know which direction the country is going, no electricity, no gas."No more water. What option do we have now? Most of us gathered here are daily wage laborers. What kind of justice is this?" A resident claimed that the metropolitan electricity provider cut off electricity in the area because several houses in the neighborhood failed to pay their monthly electricity charge bills. Yawar Abbas, a middle-aged local protestor, said, "For the last 36 hours we have been here, yesterday when we were raising our demands the police came here and lathicharged. Then they asked us to show the defective bills, we showed every Showed copies of these bills to the officer but no one listened to us.And later they assured you that they will turn on the electricity but the problem continued for more than 24 hours.This is not a rich area, children and old people of our house need regular electricity. When they wanted to take our votes, they begged for our votes, but now there is no one to stand with us in our time of need. Despite several rounds of talks between the protesters and the police, no solution has been reached. Shumaila, another protester, said, “Every one of us here has been tortured and cheated. Go and check those people who have patients in their homes, they are torturing my mother-in-law.” -Law is a patient and we had to take him to the hospital because we did not have electricity for his medical equipment, yet electricity prices are rising, disrupting daily life. Residents took to the streets in protest and the authorities. Met with.Demanded immediate action on this issue. Another protester said his children would be taking exams soon and they had no way to study without electricity. “How will our children study here in the scorching heat without electricity? Our husband, who is a daily wage laborer, goes to his job and returns home hoping to rest but there is no electricity.What will we do in such a situation?