Rampur (Himachal Pradesh) [India], Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) candidate from Mandi Lok Sabha constituency Kangana Ranaut took a dig at the Congress and the central leadership during an election meeting in Nankhadi in Rampur subdivision on Wednesday. Congress candidate from Mandi Lok Sabha constituency Vikramaditya Singh asked how people associated with royal and political comforts understand the plight of the poor, "They have read about poverty in books. Only those who have sold tea and whose mother Has raised children." Cleaning neighbors' utensils shows the pain of the poor, Kangana Ranaut said that our vote should only go to those who have brought 25 crore people out of poverty. We will support the one who has provided toilets to my mother and sisters. They have been brought out of the smoke hell by providing GA stoves.Help should be provided to those people who allowed my elderly helpless brother to sell his house and land in case of illness and gave him health insurance scheme "They started giving free ration to more than 80 crore people of the country. That person Who has given up everything for us and is sitting to serve us. Today the time has come that we should give him our respect. Ranaut said that Himachal Pradesh is the land of God. Known as.He said, "The whole world says that the people of Himachal are very civilized." Simple but you saw what kind of things Vikramaditya Singh of the royal family says against me. He says that this girl is impure and she should leave from here. They are also using abusive and vulgar language on our senior BJP leader and former Chief Minister – Jairam Thakur. Kangana said that she wants to ask Vikramaditya what is this arrogance about, today if the world calls him a prince, a spoiled prince, then there is nothing wrong in it. He said that he is a prince who belongs to the family of Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi.These are children of great people and have received education from universities like Oxford. Poverty is known only in books. Raje is the son of Rajwada. If Virbhadra Singh ji was still alive, his heart would have been saddened by such misbehavior. Kangana Ranaut left no stone unturned in honoring Virbhadra Singh, father of Congress candidate Vikramaditya Singh from Mandi Lok Sabha constituency, who was the six-time Chief Minister of Himachal. And said, "If His Holiness Virbhadra Singh was alive today, he would have told Vikramaditya Singh that sister should apologize to you." Kangana addressed Rahul Gandhi, Akhilesh Yadav or Vikramaditya as spoiled princes and said that they should handle the property of their parents."The country should be managed by people who are born in the family of former parents. The power of the country should be in the hands of people who can even think about the poor." He further said, "Kangana Said that if she wanted wealth, she would not have left Mumbai. She said, "I want a place at your feet." I want to serve you as your servant.”