In the film, Kalki played the character of Olivia, a self-deprecating American writer. Shooting is currently underway in Antichan-des-Frottignes in the Pyrenees.

Discussing her role, Kalki told IANS, Olivia is a New York intellectual with roots in France, who returns to write her grandmother's story. She finds herself half remembering the past and half predicting the future as the COVID-19 pandemic takes over the world.

He further explained that the film is a comedy that explores how patterns in practically anything can be read and how people often feel responsible for the functioning of the world.

She added, "The challenge of playing a self-deprecating American writer who begins to feel like she's influencing the world around her with every word is fun and challenging."

However, the actress, who has her roots in France, has never lived in the European country. Born in Puducherry, which was once a French colony, Kalki said: "I grew up watching French cinema from nouvelle vague and listening to classic singers like Edith Piaf, not to mention classic singers like Leo Ferré."