Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], After 27 years, actor Kajol and filmmaker Prabhudeva are set to reunite for Telugu director Charan Tej Uppalapati's upcoming action thriller. The film is being directed by Charan Tej Uppalapati, who is making the long-awaited film. Directorial debut in Bollywood with this project. Apart from Kajol and Prabhudeva, the cast also includes Naseeruddin Shah Sanyukta Menon, Jisshu Sengupta and Aditya Seal. The first schedule of the film has also been completed and the makers are preparing to release the teaser of the film soon. Kajol and Prabhudeva had previously worked in Rajeev Menon's 1997 Tamil film Minsar Kanavu. The film was released in Hindi with the name 'Sapne'. This action thriller has top-tier technicians on board, including director of photography GK Vishnu, music director Harshvardhan Rameshwar and editor Naveen Nooli. The screenplay is written by Niranjan Iyengar and Jessica Khurana, with production designer Sahi Suresh creating the visual aesthetics. More details of the project are awaited. Apart from this, Kajol will be seen in 'Do Patti'. Recently, the makers unveiled the teaser of the film. Kajol plays the role of a police officer in the teaser. This is also the first time that Kajol has played the role of a cop. The teaser starts with Kajol as a bike-riding cop, while Kriti Sanon's character is also shown to be glamorous. This is the second collaboration of Kriti and Kajol after 'Do Patti'. hearted'